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A spectacular velvet roe deer hunt: “When I saw it, it looked like it had two heads”.

The hunter from Guadalajara, Luis Paniagua, 45 years old, hunted on the afternoon of Sunday 28th June a spectacular velvet roe deer of which he assures that when he saw it in quarantine “it seemed that it had two heads”, due to the spectacular antlers.

Paniagua found the animal in a social preserve in the province of Guadalajara, which currently has 30 members, and in which he was able to see the evolution of a peculiar animal that he was also able to observe in 2019.

They thought he was “crazy” when he first saw it

On the left, trophy ready to be taxidermied. On the right, another view with tag / L.P.

“I had already spotted it during the last few weeks, and one of the last afternoons I went out I saw it together with two males and two females. When I told a friend that I had seen a roe deer with these characteristics, he didn’t believe it”, confesses the hunter.

During the last few weekends, Luis Paniagua had been trying to hunt it: “I went all over the farm to find it until, this Sunday, when I was on my way to the car, it appeared”, he says. “Even though there was little light, it was clear to me that it was him,” he says.

A roe deer that “made strange movements” with its head

The hunter reports that the animal “made strange movements” with its head, probably due to the large number of insects such as flies it should have on its head. “All it did was move it, and with the enormous density of hair it has, it was quite a spectacle,” he describes.

Luis got as close to the animal as he could, almost without light, until he reached a distance of about 100 metres. He took aim with his Sauer 7 mm Remington Magnum rifle, with which he usually hunts, and with a single shot he made it fall instantly: “I hit it the first time, that gave me peace of mind because with the little light it was going to be very difficult to track it at that time of day”, says the hunter.

When he went to hunt it, he was thrilled: “I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It wasn’t a very old roe deer, but you could see that the wig had started to grow very young and that’s why it was so developed. It was a spectacle of an animal”, says the hunter who dragged it a hundred metres to the car and took it home to hand it over to the taxidermist on Monday. Undoubtedly, this wigged roe deer will be a piece he will never forget.

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