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A farmer’s monumental anger when he finds the garbage of the town’s vacationers on his land.

El tractor y el perro del agricultor junto a la basura encontrada. © TikTok

A farmer from Zamora (Spain) has uploaded a video to his TikTok account to make public his indignation after getting an unpleasant surprise: he has found a farmland completely invaded by garbage. Among the waste that some unscrupulous individual has thrown there is an old loudspeaker, a broken chair, the remains of a plastic pool with its purifier, paint cans and brushes, soda cans and other debris.

The farmer, who passes by with his tractor loaded with bales of straw, cannot help getting off the machine to show his deep indignation, and notices a detail: the ruts of the vehicle used are heading towards the municipality of Bamba.

Bamba is a Spanish town in the municipality of Madridanos, in the region of Tierra del Vino in the province of Zamora. It is characterized for being the center of the religiosity of the region, for hosting in its parish church the Virgin of Viso or Aviso, patron saint of the region. It also stands out for its archaeological site of the castro del Viso, declared of Cultural Interest in 2013.

«This is only done by those who come to the villages for only 15 days in summer», he says indignantly as he analyzes some of the products thrown into the natural environment.

A serious infringement of the law

Law 7/2022, of April 8, on waste and contaminated soils considers the abandonment of garbage in natural spaces as at least a serious infringement, a consideration that may be considered very serious if the waste is considered hazardous, if the health of people has been seriously endangered or if serious damage or deterioration to the environment has occurred.

The penalties for serious infringements carry a fine ranging from 2,001 euros to 100,000 euros, except in the case of hazardous waste or contaminated soil, in which case the fine will be from 20,001 euros to 600,000 euros.

If they are considered very serious, the fine ranges from 100,001 euros to 3,500,000 euros, except in the case of hazardous waste or contaminated soil, in which case the fine will be from 600,001 euros to 3,500,000 euros.

@alpaconsa #elcampo #agriculture #campaña2023 #basura#wamba #cerdos#destruyendoelplaneta #veraneantes ♬ sonido original – AlpaconSA
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